Saturday, August 19, 2017

Marathon State #7 Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Marathon

May 5, 2013

The month of May offers up a quick trip to the Pacific Northwest to the city of Tacoma.  We participate in our first Marathon Maniacs reunion.  It is also when I realize~crazy as it may sound~ I don't really think I am a "true Maniac," but it is fun to experience the hoopla of a crazy running group. Some people are social by nature and others of us are better in small groups or in a one on one type of interaction. I am definitely more of an introvert. We attend the dinner along with everyone else, but it quickly becomes apparent that there is not enough food. Maniacs can eat especially the night before a marathon. They run out of food after serving few tables. We elect to leave and stroll the downtown area for a place to dine. We find a little pizza shop and enjoy a few slices. The "Maniac club" is  proactive and  hand out cash refunds as people leave the dining hall. I find this to be a class act. They also mail refunds to runners that did not get to eat at the dinner. I have met really nice people on my journey because of my association as a "Maniac." It is nice to see a Maniac shirt and know there is usually a like minded friendly person to chat with and share some miles.
The Marathon starts a the Tacoma Narrows Airport. The hangar is a nice place to wait and stay warm before we to watch video of the start.

As usual before a race, finding a potty is the top priority. The line for the potties is daunting.  A fellow runner and I see a porta potty in the distance near a runway that must be used for workers. We seriously debate walking out to it rather than wait in line. My keen observation skills come in handy, when I see some runners walking back to the hanger from behind the porta potties.   Hmmm...let's just take a look at where they are going. Eureka, I discover two hidden porta potties.  Essentially they are hidden in plain seems sneaky ~but it is a clever placement by the race organizers I am sure~ to provide quick access to a private potty. It is utilized by only those that know it is there and a few discreet runners who pay attention.
Why no smile...I did find the secret potties!!

It is an enjoyable race, despite the look on my face, with lots of different landscapes and variety. In the early miles a highlight for runners is crossing over the Tacoma-Narrows bridge.
 It is a clear day, an anomaly for the area. Apparently, sunshine is a rarity, but I will take it. The point to point course is a nice tour of the city before ending at the waterfront in downtown.  A memorable section is Point Defiance Park, a wooded park. Runners also get peeks of Puget Sound in various sections. One of the three main Maniacs is the race director for this event.  Needless to say, they do a good job of taking care of runners by knowing what runners like in a marathon. In the latter stages, I catch up to my husband.  I stop to chat and encourage him to run with me, but he elects to run on his own terms which I totally respect. Runners must fight their own battles and sometimes the battle is harder than we like it to be.  
The final stretch of the course is a nice downhill. The best way to finish is with a strong assist from gravity. Upon finishing, I immediately make my way to the refreshments. Pizza, beer and tons of Maniacs milling around recovering together. I am watching the finisher's shoot and listening for my husband's name, but get distracted by the conversations and beer.  Surely my husband will make his way into the beer area, but no, he goes straight back to the hotel.  After waiting a considerable amount of time, I return to the hotel. Tired stiff runners must climb one last mega hill to get back...ouch! Once I finally make it up the massively steep street and back into the hotel, my husband steps out of the elevator all clean and refreshed as I am waiting to get in...At least he avoids another trek down the steep San Francisco style street in search of finding me. 
How else will I get my name on a shirt!

State #7 is in the books and we are beginning to get the hang of quick trips. We stay one night and stop for a burger and another beer at Red Robin, before ending up at yet another airport for yet another flight home. Once we land, we start the three hour drive home. I think we are having fun? But when we end up stuck on the freeway due to road work for  an extended period of time, we are left wondering. As the night turns into the wee early morning hours, still sitting at a dead  standstill, the question must be asked...Why do we do this again?

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