I am not a writer or a great thinker, anyone who reads my blogs will clearly quickly discover I am just a rather ordinary person. However, this soon to be senior citizen now lives everyday in shock and horror that we are losing our country's founding basic rights and freedoms. My amazement has intensified with the intensity of the lack of free thinkers that surround me. The most shocking and horrifying is the willingness of people to be so easily led. We have all let ourselves go, so to speak, into our individual vices to escape and when a crisis arises we don't know what to do. We retreat, we relent and we are led by the nose to believe and do whatever those in control command us to do. The media shares the messages in whatever form the masses acquire it and we peek out long enough to download the message (narrative, propaganda, programming) and we dutifully comply.
Today, I will not relent, I will continue to post endless memes and information on my Facebook page. I know for the most part I have long ago been deemed "a conspiracy theorist" " an uneducated wacko" "a gone off the deep end individual" and deleted, unfollowed, unfriended etc. Whatever label people want to attribute to me...I really do not care. What is going on in our world is so much bigger than any individual. It is too important to not be complicit, so the posting like crazy will continue. My blog will return in an attempt to spread the message that we are losing our freedoms and our common sense. Those that want to read, think and consider can and those that don't can pass on by.
For today, I challenge anyone to research information and not just from Google as they do have incredible power and control over what comes up in the search engines. Don't just listen to mainstream media. There are many credible voices that have been canceled and silenced, but in spite of the vitriol continue to share information by any means possible. It is time for all Americans to stop being lazy and spoon fed and dig a little deeper into what is really going on in our world. Look into what is going on in Australia will we be next? It is time to question and critical think and decide what kind of realty you really want to live in...I know many are okay with how things are, but ask yourself how much more of your freedom are you willing to give up. How much will it take until it is too much for you too? How many of your rights are you willing to have infringed until your line is crossed? Will it be too late?
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